Molecular Windows95 truetype font Made by RAFonts Copyright 1998 All rights reserved. ---------------------------------------- "Molecular" is a fullversion freeware font! and has been made available for anything! There are ALTERNATE letters included in this font, used to end words and/or numbers etc. PRINT THIS TEXT FILE FOR REFERENCE (see molecular.gif included in .zip file for examples) If you do not know how to use ALT letters: Hold down the ALT Key, press the numbers next to the letter you want on your KEYPAD in order, then release the ALT Key. 0128=a 0129=b 0130=c 0131=d 0132=e 0133=f 0134=g 0135=h 0136=i 0137=j 0138=k 0139=l 0140=m 0141=n 0142=o 0143=p 0144=q 0145=r 0146=s 0147=t 0148=u 0149=v 0150=w 0151=x 0152=y 0153=z 0200=0 0201=1 0202=2 0203=3 0204=4 0205=5 0206=6 0207=7 0208=8 0209=9 The ^ has been setup to use as an end quote" If you really like my "Molecular" font, e-mail me or visit my website "RAFonts" for more fonts! Permission: To freely distribute and/or post this font, providing that all files in the original archive are attached, including this one. Thanks!