----------------------------- 3D LET Created by Brian Kent ----------------------------- Thanks for Downloading 3D LET. This Font is based on the 3D N of the Nintendo 64 Logo. The only problem was that the N64's N is connected to make it look cube-like. Trying to make the rest of the characters look connected wasn't working out, so I made all of the characters 'Offset' instead of connected. --All of the lower case letters and #'s are 'Outline' charascters. --All of the Upper case letters and Shift+#'s are 'Solid' characters. >>>(Shift+# means use !@#$%^&*() for the #'s 1234567890) When Printing with this Font, use a large point size (above 24 pt.) If you have any questions or comments, you can e-mail me at kentpw@norwich.net You can visit my Homepage <ÆNIGMA GAMES & FONTS> at http://aenigma.freakware.net/