cake frostIng i , . / - _ ! ? : ' " É = L_m M_P-., ! abcdefghIjklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 The font "Cake Frosting" is being placed into the "public domain" and is freeware. You can rename it or do anything else you want to use it for. It is supplied as is and I make no claims to its fitness for any particular use. Cake Iceing was created and designed for the MAC. Enclosed are T1 and TT fonts. The T1 bitmaps range from 14-84 points (16-bitmaps total). The TT is what it is. If you're a font connoisseur, please keep the font's name and the developer (me) in the comments area for others to enjoy as the font evolves into whatever it becomes, and please keep this Read me file attached with the font's evolution Thank you. Neil Van Ess, 4/25/06