13th Degree Font Foundry All Files included are Copyright 1999 Zane Townsend. Web Site: http://members.xoom.com/13th_degree/ Email: ztownsend@hotmail.com ______________________________________________________________________________ Revision notes: None, 1st release. Special character notes: None. Other Notes: This is the first font I ever made, it took the longest to make and was the hardest to do, I learned alot though. ______________________________________________________________________________ This font package is Shareware. If you wish to distribute it, please include all of files that came with along with this document (consisting of; license.txt, license.htm, Readme.txt, file_id.diz, 13th_degree.url, and all other files included with the original.) If you would like to be added to my mailing list, please send me an email with "Update" as the subject.