--------------------------------- Skull Capz Created by Brian Kent --------------------------------- Thanks for Downloading Skull Capz. Here's how to use the Font: 1] Type in a Capital Letter for a letter that goes on the Skull. 2] Next, type in a lower case letter for a Skull. 3] Continue doing this (Capital letter then a lower case letter) until you finish your text. For example, try typing in: SaKfUjLmLr CuAvPxZz --Take a look at the infopic.gif to see what letters correspond with each Skull. --There are 26 Skulls to choose from. I left the letter 'o' Skull blank so anyone can draw in their own eyes on the Skull. --Typing in just lower case letters will make just the Skulls. --Typing in just Capital Letters or #'s will place all of the characters on top of each other, making in look like a Big Dot. If you have any questions or comments, you can e-mail me at kentpw@norwich.net You can visit my Homepage <ÆNIGMA GAMES & FONTS> at http://aenigma.freakware.net/