---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jacinto Sans (was Gears of War) AWAVATAYA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Based on the Xbox 360 game 'Gears of War' titles. Windows and Mac OSX TrueType Base font: Nokianvirallinenkirjasin by Vektorointi Lauri Alkus ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18-1-2007 - Fixed the kerning on A W V Y T P F and a w v y t - Slightly renamed with 'Emergence' added 09-3-2008 - Name Change: Now called Jacinto Sans in case of any copyright issues with the 'Gears' name - Added some new chars like ! () =-+ - Added european chars eg: å æ ç è é - Uppercase only It's free, Enjoy. TracerTong www.tracertong.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please keep this README file with this archive ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------