Wolves & Ravens 1.1 An Emailware Windows TrueType Font by S. John Ross A product of the Cumberland Fontworks http://www.io.com/~sjohn/fonts.htm This is a simple fantasy font based on a player handout I created for a fantasy campaign in my teenage years. There was a cryptic message - "Wolves and Ravens Devour the Unwary" - carved into the side of a wooden footbridge, as an omen of things to come. The handwriting was meant to represent a quasi-runic style of Roman letters, of the sort that might be crudely carved with a dagger into the soft wood of the bridge rail. This font expands those characters into a full alphabet of 26 letters, plus 0-9 and a squarish "bullet" that serves as a generic sort of punctuation mark. These are the only characters in the font. If you like this font, please register it by sending an email to sjohn@io.com describing any uses you come up with for it! Also, drop by the Cumberland Fontworks (URL above) to download more gamer-fonts and font-toys! - S. John Ross, July 2000