Brain Eaters Font Co. MAIL ORDER FORM (Online ordering available at __________________________________________________________________________ P.O. Box 520233, SLC, UT 84152 ¥ E-mail: ¥ __________________________________________________________________________ To order, print this page, fill in blanks, send cash, check or money order for the correct amount payable to Brain Eaters and mail to the address above. Or send your info on a piece of blank paper. Please send (check appropriate line): ___ The WHOLE Collection $99. (over 35 separate type fonts & families!). Font GROUPS: __Space Fruntier $45. __Spooky Group $45. __Real Terror $45. __Gutter-Trash, Etc. $45. __Relics $45. -OR- Make your own Group! Mix and Match, Pick & Choose (write selections on back of this sheet) ___15 fonts for $65. ___10 fonts for $55 ___ 5 fonts for $35. individual fonts .............. $10. ea. Write font name(s) ........................................................................................................................................................................ For FREEware type fonts indicate which youÕd like: ............................................................................................................ - OR - For the whole FREEware collection ONLY (over 20 Freeware fonts available!). Send $13. for shipping and a Compact Disc. Macintosh ___True Type ___PostScript. -OR- ___PC Windows True Type _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Other Merchandise: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Official Brain Eaters GHOULie T-Shirts and vinyl stickers. ___ $12. ea. Black Ink on White T-shirt ___ Small ___ Large ___ Extra Large ___ $2. ea. Fridge Magnets ___ $3. ea. Large Brain Eater Ghoul Sticker ___ $3. ea. Small Brain Eater Ghoul Sticker ___ $5. ea. Big Brain Eater Ghoul Sticker Pack ÑFive total cool stickers! Please include $5. for S&H in US. Outside the US please include $10. Grand Total: ......................................... E-Mail Address ........................................................@...................................................................DOT................... Shipping Address/Billing Address Name ................................................................................................................ Postal/Street Address ............................................................................................................................................... State/Province...................................................................ZIP/Postalcode ............................Country.................................... * All Credit Card Orders Processed by KAGIÕs Online ordering system. Credit Card Type ___ Visa ___ MasterCard ___ AMEX Credit Card Number_________________________________Expiration Date: Month________Year_____ Card Holders Name on credit card: _________________________________________ Thanks for your order! (C) Copyright 2003 Brain Eaters Productions. All prices, products and availability subject to change without notice.