From: "HypoTypo" Subject: Introducing 3 Half SunBurst & 1 StarBurst Font... Date: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 8:49 AM Introducing 3 Half SunBurst & 1 StarBurst Font, an "HT original" set of fonts... These fonts were inspired by Laura,... and were made mainly for various background effects... Don't even ask about the 'w4' in the font names, cause I forgot why I put it there,... but I'll bet there was a good reason at the time... LOL... The WRI files show what characters are available... Check out the included WRI files using WordPad to view each font... NOTE 1: Remember to open each TTF font before opening it's WRI file in order to view the file properly using the font... Comments and suggestions are always welcome... Hypo. witsjustme(at)hotmail(dot)com